Canberra’s urban forest is complex. It is managed by a number of agencies, including the NCA and ACT Government. This governance can often lead to a number of challenges including resourcing and management issues. Where common boundaries occur, a collective approach is critical to the management of our treescape.
Traditional owner engagement is paramount to secure a resilient and thriving future urban forest. Developing partnerships and articulating roles and responsibilities for both NCA’s trees and the broader Canberra urban forest will ensure that Canberra remains a garden city through good on-ground outcomes.
What does best practice look like?
Shared urban forest narrative, vision and targets
Shared knowledge and outcomes, including indigenous, heritage, biodiversity values
Strong clear and transparent lines of communication
Partnership agreements for shared boundaries
Clear leadership and strategic management planning facilitated by champions
Strong investment based on sound cost benefit analysis whereby trees are managed as valuable assets
Adequate and shared resources
Proactive and strategic roll out of tree works programs
Integration of tree management policies into all infrastructure works programs and developments.
How could these issues be addressed?
Strengthen collaboration with key stakeholders across Canberra
Develop a shared vision that aligns with Sustainable Development Goals
Through partnerships, develop a cohesive approach to managing trees
NCA leadership: strengthening of National Capital Plan
Develop exemplar case studies and management tools
Develop appropriate funding models to secure the long-term health, growth and viability of Canberra’s urban forest
Explore alternative funding sources such as green bonds and philanthropic approaches.