1. Preamble
Block 622 Majura is National Land outside Designated Areas and is defined as Broadacre Areas in the National Capital Plan (the Plan). Special Requirements for Broadacre Areas under section 5.3.1 of the plan apply and state:
Development, including subdivision and leasing proposals, of all National Land not included in a Designated Area of this Plan, is to conform to Development Control Plans agreed by the Authority. Development Control Plans are to reflect the relevant provisions of the Territory Plan, and meet the following requirements:
- Adverse environmental impacts from on-site developments, on adjacent land and development, shall be identified and redressed to the extent practicable.
- Adequate provision should be made where appropriate for visitors to sites.
- Functional relationships between uses within and external to the site shall be provided for.
- Consistency in the external design and site layout of buildings and landscaping shall be sought.
- Satisfactory arrangements shall be made for parking accommodation and vehicular access and egress. Traffic impacts of development shall be taken into account.
The subject area is National Land outside the Designated Areas of the Plan. Development proposals on National Land are required to be referred to the National Capital Authority (NCA). The NCA will assess proposals to ensure they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan or this Development Control Plan (DCP).
The provisions of this DCP apply to Block 622 Majura. In the absence of a provision in the DCP or the Plan to the contrary, all development should accord with the relevant provisions of the Territory Plan. Where an inconsistency arises between the Territory Plan and the National Capital Plan, the National Capital Plan prevails.
2. Planning and Urban Design Objectives
- To develop the site with buildings and landscaping of a high quality, which establish an appropriate relationship with its rural landscape setting and its location close to future major transport corridors.
- Make provision for Australian Federal Police (AFP) training facilities and enable development ancillary to this core function of the site.
- Maintain a consistency in external design and site layout of buildings and landscape.
- Establish appropriate screening of onsite activities from Majura Road and Majura Parkway.
- Establish a formal landscape setting along the Tambreet Street entry and around a campus core precinct gradually moving towards a more natural landscape character away from this central precinct.
- Ensure that development on the site is in a manner which does not adversely impact on the ecology, heritage or undermine the landscape character of the site.
- Establish a set of activity precincts which have the flexibility to meet the future requirements of the AFP and can allow for staged growth of the site.
3. Land use
3.1 The site is currently used for the purpose of an AFP training facility which is consistent with the Broadacre Areas (Educational Establishment) land use policy of the Plan. The AFP intention to redevelop the site as a training campus and special purpose operations facility is also consistent with the Plan.
3.2 The overall development of the campus shall include a formal core precinct with provision for increased building heights with smaller buildings and warehouse style development in the campus frame. These are to be interspersed with conservation zones, landscaped areas, and open spaces consistent with the DCP Drawings 12/03 – 1 and 12/03 - 2.
4. Building Design, Mass and Articulation
4.1 Consideration must be given to the visual impact of any proposed development of the site, in particular when viewed from Majura Road and Majura Parkway.
4.2 Buildings, including any support structures, shall be designed to ensure an overall consistency in their form and external design detailing. Variations in design and construction detailing may be considered especially where the design expresses the functions of the building, but such variations should be within the limits of an overall theme.
4.3 Building footprint shall occupy no more than 40 per cent of the total area of the central and entry precincts.
4.4 The site coverage of buildings must not result in a built form that is bulky and visually intrusive.
4.5 The building mass shall not dominate the landscape setting of the site and respect the natural features, character and scale of the landscape in the locality.
4.6 Development proposals should generaly be consistent with the National Airports Safeguarding Framework.
5. Building Height
5.1 The height of the buildings and other permanent structures must not exceed the building height limits set out in DCP Drawing 12/03 - 1.
5.2 Building height is described in metres from natural ground level. In determining building height, natural ground level is defined as the ground level before any earthworks have taken place.
6. Building Setback
6.1 Buildings shall be setback from the block boundary fronting Majura Road a minimum of 20 metres.
6.2 Buildings shall be set back a minimum of ten metres from the main entry drive road reserve.
7. Building materials and colours
7.1 Colour and materials of external facades and roofs of all buildings should be sympathetic to their rural setting.
7.2 External finishes must ensure an overall consistency. Sympathetic variations in colours and materials between individual buildings will be considered. Strong contrasts in colour of major architectural features will not be permitted.
7.3 Highly reflective external materials, which may create glare, and impair site surveillance and flight path operations, are to be avoided. Similarly, the use of external glaring, glazed awnings, solar panels and the like needs to consider the possible effect of glare on adjacent uses and aircraft safety.
8. Landscape design and heritage
8.1 Landscape treatment should provide context for buildings, parking and paved areas, and should moderate the visual impact of the development when viewed from public areas and adjacent leases.
8.2 The campus core and main entry drive shall have a more formal landscape character. Rural and natural landscape character shall dominate the campus frame, rural, creek corridor and hills precincts as defined by DCP Drawing 12/03 – 2.
8.3 The area of the site and the diversity of on-site activities require a comprehensive approach to landscape management. This requires the development of a Landscape Master Plan for the whole of the site subject to the DCP. This Landscape Master Plan shall adhere to the precinct structure and landscape typologies set out in DCP Drawing 12/03 -2. As a minimum, the Landscape Master Plan needs to reflect the key landscape typologies of the site. These typologies are outlined below.
Campus Core
The campus core represents the most intensive development and use area of the site. Therefore, landscape shall be of a more formal character with key features including deciduous trees, quiet courtyards and a parade ground for ceremonial events.
Campus Frame
The campus frame area represents less intensive development and has a more natural landscape character. Deciduous shade trees are permitted at recreation areas and along pedestrian spines however, the periphery shall blend with the rural and hill zones.
Creek Corridors
Woolshed creek is to be rehabilitated to improve environmental outcomes and visual amenity. Bank stabilisation and planting of native species are to form the basis of rehabilitation activities. Passive recreation including nature trails and seating are also permissible. \
Hills and Rural Landscape Areas
The rural landscape characterised by open woodland and grasslands will be located outside the campus frame. This zone will serve to create a fire buffer for the site. The hills form the backdrop to the campus and rehabilitation of Eucalyptus woodland and providing opportunities for low impact fitness are key objectives. Screen planting on block boundaries shall reduce the visual exposure of the site to adjacent properties.
Heritage Conservation Areas
A suitable landscape setting and management regime will be established by a Conservation Management Plan. This may include interpretive signage and protective fencing to designate artefacts.
Main Entry Drive
A formal axial drive designed to impart a strong sense of arrival and significance. This includes attractive bridge crossings, signage and integrated water sensitive urban design.
Campus Core Loop Road and Car Parks
The road surrounding the campus core shall include a formal endemic tree lined avenue, on road cycle lanes and design features at intersections with pedestrian spines. Car parks shall include shade trees and bio-retention swales as part of the landscape treatment.
Pedestrian Spines
A formal pedestrian promenade (and shared cycle path) including an avenue of deciduous canopy trees, access to buildings and visually terminus to surrounding hills and landscape features.
Scenario Villages and Training Areas
Training areas, particularly scenario villages should meet the specific needs of the AFP but also include appropriate landscape treatment. The Driver training track shall present as an open space buffer to the facility and include a number of appropriately sited wetlands.
Services and Storage Areas
These areas should be adequately screened from view and be integrated into building and landscape design.
The Landscape Master Plan is to be provided to the NCA for approval as soon as practicable following the approval of this DCP.
8.3 Development proposals are to be accompanied by associated landscaping in accordance with an approved Landscape Master Plan prepared for the site.
8.4 The visual amenity and security of the site is to be improved by a screen planting programme and should be part of the Landscape Master Plan for the site. The majority of the site is open, so extensive planting to reduce visual exposure of new development will be required.
8.5 The ecological value of the site shall be improved through the revegetation of creek corridors to improve habitat and reduce erosion. Endemic vegetation communities, commensurate with the Majura Lowland Woodland Corridor, should be reinstated and a hill vegetation protection zone enforced on site consistent with managing fire risk.
8.6 New amenity, shade and screen planting will be required in association with most new developments at the discretion of the NCA. In campus frame precincts, as per DCP drawing 12/03 -2, planting shall be based on native species suited to the site, in order to maximise integration with the rural and native landscape.
8.7 Land use and management of Heritage Conservation Zones shall conform to Conservation Management Plan(s) (CMP) prepared by the lessee and agreed to by the NCA.
9. Vehicular access and car parking
9.1 Vehicular access to the site shall be via a formal entry drive established in line with the existing connection from Majura Road, Tambreet Street, as shown in the DCP Drawing No. 12/03 - 1.
9.2 Vehicular circulation within the site should ensure efficient access for staff and visitors as well as access to car parking and service areas. There shall be a clear road hierarchy established through a Campus Core Loop Road, Pedestrian Spines and appropriate traffic mediation measures.
9.3 All car parking generated by the development is to be fully accommodated on-site. Car parking areas should be broken up into smaller lots within activity precincts and their visual impact should be minimised to the highest extent practicable.
9.4 Traffic management arrangements are to provide a safe integration of vehicular traffic with pedestrian and bicycle traffic as well as providing access for larger service vehicles and emergency service vehicles.
9.5 A traffic and parking assessment shall be provided with all development proposals.
10. Signs
10.1 All signs should be of a high standard and must not detract from the overall character of the built environment and its landscape setting. Signs should be consistent in design and appearance and meet the requirements set out in Appendix H (Part 3 - Signs) of the Plan.
10.2 A campus signage strategy shall be developed and agreed to by the NCA to ensure a legible landscape and ease of orientation for users.
11. Fencing
11.1 Fencing on site boundaries shall not be obtrusive and shall be highly integrated with landscape design. Fencing must also meet the specific requirements of the AFP.
12. Mechanical Plant and Equipment, Electrical Substations, Storage and Service Areas
12.1 Service areas should be carefully designed and screened from view from public and ceremonial areas of the campus as well as public roads and adjacent properties. The design of service and storage areas (including substations, necessary plant etc.) is to be integrated with the building design.
12.2 Telecommunication equipment and facilities shall be incorporated into the site planning and building design so that the overall quality of the development and its broadacre context are not compromised.
12.3 Zone 13, as shown in DCP Drawing 12/03 – 1, is to house infrastructure related to bush fire protection measures only.
13. Lighting
13.1 All outdoor lighting, including security and car park lighting shall be designed and sited to minimise light pollution. Outdoor lighting should use full cut-off light fittings. Any up-lighting of buildings should be carefully designed to keep night time overspill and glare to a minimum.
13.2 Given the relationship of the site to the main airport flight path, all external lighting shall be adequately baffled to ensure aircraft safety is not compromised.
14. Sustainable development
14.1 Development proposals will demonstrate a high level of performance in terms of sustainable design where applicable including energy efficiency and climate management.
14.2 Special environmental measures will need to include effective management of riparian zones. A water sensitive urban design strategy is to be prepared , as part of the Landscape Master Plan, which maximises water retention and reuse on site from building and car park areas, particularly to protect water quality in Woolshed and Landers Creeks and to reduce onsite demand on potable water supplies.
14.3 Bio-retention swales in car park design are to be used wherever possible. When car parks are adjacent to creek corridors these measures are mandatory. Off site stormwater discharge should be through appropriately sited wetlands.
15 DCP Drawings
15.1 The above provisions should be read in conjunction with the DCP Drawings, which form part of this DCP.