The following formal submission have been made public
Submitter: Virginia BergerNew Southern Entrance
Without greatly altering the present imposing entrance, these modifications will simply up-grade and enhance the area and improve access for disabled and in inclement weather, all of which seems very sensible. Improving seating capacity for major events is also a sensible and necessary component of the new design.
Bean Building Extension and Central Energy Plant
Charles Bean's vision was focused on World War I. Sadly, we have witnessed other major conflicts since then. Surely the service and sacrifices of subsequent generations are equally deserving of research and commemoration. The proposed Bean Building Extension and Central Energy Plant would seem to offer the facilities for this admirably.
Anzac Hall and Glazed Link
My comments in relation to the Bean Building Extension (above) are equally relevant here, perhaps more so. The whole story of our major conflicts needs to be told - and in the one place. This proposal for a new Anzac Hall and the Glazed Link would seem to accommodate the sadly growing display of larger objects and make the telling of the story of our more recent conflicts more visitor friendly and accessible.