Amendment 16 - Australian National Botanic Gardens

Approval Date

Amendment 16 included a suite of changes relating to the Australian National Botanic Gardens, including:

  • changes the general land use policy from 'Hills, Ridges and Buffer Spaces' to 'Urban Areas';
  • removes the 'future arterial road' symbol between the eastern boundary of the Gardens, the CSIRO and Clunies Ross Street;
  • includes the Gardens in the Central National Area and removes it from the Inner Hills Designated Area;
  • allows for the possible long term expansion of the Gardens;
  • identifies the Gardens as 'National Capital Use', the reservoir site on Black Mountain Drive as 'Public Utility', on Black Mountain Drive as 'Road', and the remaining land as 'Uncommitted Land';
  • introduces a master plan to guide the planning and development of the site in accordance with its national significance;
  • inserts a definition for 'Botanic Gardens';
  • includes the Australian National Botanic Gardens in the definition of 'National Capital Use'; and
  • amends the relevant Figures in the National Capital Plan.