Amendment 44 - Office Employment Location Policies

Approval Date

Amendment 44 modifies the office employment location policies in the National Capital Plan in the light of changes that have taken place in employment in the Australian Capital Territory since the introduction of the National Capital Plan in 1990.

A principal outcome of the review is that there is no longer a need to restrict the location and amount of Commonwealth office employment in Civic.

Other features of the new policies include that major office employment is to be located within Defined Office Employment Centres that occur within the two main transport corridors operating from Gungahlin in the north through the Central area to Tuggeranong in the south and from Belconnen in the west through the Central Area to Queanbeyan in the east. Canberra International Airport is recognized as a Defined Office Employment Centre with an upper limit for general office development of 120000m 2 gross floor area.

Office developments are also permitted at Local and Group Centres at a scale appropriate to each centre. As a general rule offices should not exceed the total retail floorspace in a Local or Group Centre.