Amendment 74 - Section 5 Campbell

Approval Date

Amendment 74 was approved by the Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon. Simon Crean MP, on 15 November 2012. The purpose of the Amendment was to introduce land use changes and detailed conditions of planning, design and development for the 'Campbell 5' area of the Constitution Avenue and Anzac Parade Precinct of the National Capital Plan. 

Summary of Consultation Report

This document provides a summary of the Consultation Report prepared following community engagement on National Capital Plan Draft Amendment 74 – Section 5 Campbell (DA74). It identifies the key issues raised, and provides a summary of the proposed changes to DA74 in response to public comment. The full Consultation Report is available for download below.

Submissions received

The National Capital Authority received 47 written submissions in response to DA74.

Key issues and proposed changes

The following table outlines the key issues raised during the public consultation period and the proposed changes to DA74:

Theme/issue Summary of proposed changes
Car parking and traffic To address concerns additional clarification of requirements for short term/visitor parking have been added. This includes a requirement that a minimum of 150 on-street visitor parking spaces be provided.
Heritage The addition of a section titled ‘Heritage’ to explicitly outline works that are required both on Section 5 Campbell and off-site to strengthen protection of heritage values. See also ‘Building Materials’ and ‘Landscape’.
Environment No change.
Landscape Strengthening of landscaping requirements to achieve a higher quality landscape that ensures landscape quality and character of the public realm is maintained. See also 'Heritage'.
Language and Terminology Clarification of some development controls, while still maintaining some degree of flexibility.
Community engagement The addition of a clause requiring public notification and consultation of all residential and commercial proposals on Section 5 Campbell.
Existing use of site and surrounds No change.
Amendment process No change.
Building height and scale Clarification of the point at which building height will be measured.
Cycling No change.
Floor-to-ceiling heights Amendments to the proposed floor-to-ceiling heights to:
  • rationalise the descriptions of internal heights to describe floor-to-ceiling heights so as to improve the design quality of development proposals;
  • refine the minimum floor-to-ceiling heights to cater for a greater variety of unit types and rooms types; and
  • locate the minimum floor-to-ceiling heights in the main body of Appendix T8.
Building materials The addition of a clause requiring building articulation, materials and colours to be sympathetic to the heritage values of adjacent Commonwealth and National Heritage listed places.
Construction phase and compliance with Crown Lease No change.
Quality of design No change.
Miscellaneous matters such as health hazards, water and drainage, and maintenance of the site No change.

Further information is available from Rebecca Sorensen on (02) 6271 2851, Fax (02) 2671 2890, or email