AWM Public Realm Works

Please complete the form below to make your submission about Blocks 3 and 5, Section 39 Campbell - Australian War Memorial Public Realm Works.

Have your say

What package(s) are you making this submission for?
After reviewing the package(s) of material you are interested in, please indicate which package(s) your submission is for. Please then provide comments on your selected package(s) in the text boxes below. There is no word limit.

The personal information collected from you is collected for the purpose of this consultation, which is conducted in accordance with the National Capital Authority Commitment to Community Engagement . For information on the way the NCA collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information as well as guidance about how you can access, or seek correction of, personal information held by the NCA, see the NCA Privacy Policy.

To facilitate an informed and transparent consultative process, the NCA will make all submissions publicly available on the NCA’s website unless you request that it be withheld from publication.Your email address will not be made publicly available.

Submissions are published without any endorsement by the NCA and without any comment by the NCA on the material contained in them. Postcode information is collected and published to indicate the general location of interest from the community. The NCA reserves the right not to publish certain submissions or to redact information within a submission. Please provide submissions that are constructive and respectful.

Please note that if you request that your submission be withheld from publication, the NCA will not publish it on the NCA’s website but may refer to the issues you raise in the NCA’s consultation report.

Terms and Condition
It is understood that all names and postcodes will be published with all e-form submissions unless the tick box below is activated to opt out of having your submission and name published.
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