Block 2 Section 14 Greenway, Tuggeranong Office Park - DCP 15/01

Date Approved
National Land Sites


Block 2 Section 14 Greenway is National Land outside Designated Areas and is within Urban Areas under the National Capital Plan (the Plan). Special Requirements for Urban Areas under section 4.5.1 of the Plan apply and state:

Development, including subdivision and leasing proposals, of all National Land not included in a Designated Area of this Plan, is to conform to Development Control Plans agreed by the Authority. Development Control Plans are to reflect the relevant provisions of the Territory Plan, and meet the following requirements:

  1. Adverse environmental impacts from on-site developments, on adjacent land and development, shall be identified and redressed to the extent practicable.
  2. Adequate provision should be made where appropriate for visitors to sites.
  3. Functional relationships between uses within and external to the site shall be provided for.
  4. Consistency in the external design and site layout of buildings and landscaping shall be sought.
  5. Satisfactory arrangements shall be made for parking accommodation and vehicular access and egress. Traffic impacts of development shall be taken into account.

Development proposals on National Land are required to be referred to the National Capital Authority (NCA). The NCA will assess proposals to ensure they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan or this Development Control Plan (DCP).

The provisions of this DCP apply to Block 2 Section 14 Greenway. In the absence of a provision in the DCP or the Plan to the contrary, all development should accord with the relevant provisions of the Territory Plan. Where an inconsistency arises between the Territory Plan and the National Capital Plan, the National Capital Plan prevails.

1. Planning and urban design objectives

This DCP broadly adopts the planning and urban design objectives contained in the Territory Plan's Greenway Precinct Code and CZ2 Business Zone, the Tuggeranong Town Centre Masterplan and the Plan's requirements for Urban Areas in ACT. The objectives of the DCP are to:

  • Provide opportunities for business investment and employment while facilitating the decentralisation of employment from the Central National Area.
  • Provide for office and business sites that are accessible to public transport and convenience retailing and services.
  • Provide a diverse range of accommodation sizes and locations for offices close to the retail core.
  • Encourage provision of convenient outlets for goods, services and facilities to meet the needs of the workforce.
  • Create vibrant lively pedestrian routes and public spaces.
  • Ensure a high quality urban environment through use of sustainable design and
  • materials and maintain a high level of amenity for employees and the public.
  • Encourage a mix of land uses which contribute to an active and diverse town centre character.
  • Maintain and reinforce the character of the Tuggeranong Town Centre with new buildings addressing the surrounding streets particularly Athllon Drive.
  • Maintain and enhance environmental amenity and encourage a standard of urban design consistent with the function of the town centre

In relation to the subject site, the following more detailed objectives are applied to ensure that development of National Land in the ACT is of a quality befitting its function and is consistent with the desired character outlined in the Territory Plan. These are to:

  • Provide an urban structure which is simple, legible and flexible.
  • Encourage activities particularly at street frontage level which contribute to pedestrian activity and social interaction.
  • Ensure the site has a good address to the public realm and clear and distinctive entrances.
  • Maintain and reinforce the landscape character of the site.
  • Ensure a high level of amenity is provided in site layout and urban design and that noise impacts are mitigated through appropriate building design, materials and construction.
  • Ensure that new development exemplifies sustainability principles and demonstrates excellence in urban design, landscape and architecture.
  • Encourage modulation, tactility, silhouette and human scale in relation to built form and streetscape design.
  • Develop the corner of Athllon Drive and Soward Way with a strong corner element to identify the site and its edges, while enhancing the streetscape character and the site's relationship with the remainder of the Town Centre.
  • Architectural design and construction should exhibit design excellence, demonstrated sustainable features using a palette of high quality and durable materials.

2. Land use and gross floor area

  1. Permitted land uses on the site are:
    1. Offices, with one or more of the following uses ancillary there to:
      1. Restaurant
      2. Shop
      3. Business agency
    2. Residential purposes
  2. That the gross floor area (GFA) of any building or buildings erected on the site shall not exceed 120,000 square metres provided that:
    1. the maximum GFA in the building or buildings erected on the site to be used for uses ancillary to the use of the premises for offices shall not exceed 2400 square metres.
    2. the GFA in the building or buildings erected on the site to be used for residential purposes shall not exceed 20% of the GFA of the site.
    3. the maximum GFA in the building or buildings erected on the site to be used for an individual shop or business agency shall not exceed 200 square metres.


3. Building mass, height and setback

  1. Building height for development on the site shall be generally consistent with the Greenway Precinct Code of the Territory Plan.
  2. Buildings should provide high quality articulated frontages to Athllon Drive. Large expanses of blank walls will not be permitted to street frontages. The corner of Athllon Drive and Soward way shall be designed as an architectural feature of the site.
  3. A zero metre setback to the Athllon Drive frontage of the site is permitted provided that buildings provide an attractive address to the street and include at least one clearly articulated building entrance near the corner of Athllon Drive and Soward Way.
  4. Buildings or significant structures on site should be setback a minimum of 8.5 metres from the Soward Way property boundary provided a significant land scape treatment is provided at the Athllon Drive end of this area. The landscape of this area should be native in character.
  5. Buildings or significant structures on the Rowland Rees Crescent frontage of the site should be setback a minimum of 10 m from the property boundary.

4. Roofscape design

  1. Careful consideration should be given to the roof form and roofscape of all buildings and structures.
  2. Rooftop plant and equipment, if required, must be enclosed and the enclosure shall be carefully integrated with the roof form and design of the building. All such plant and equipment shall be totally concealed from view from all public streets.

5. Building Materials and Colours

  1. The facades and roofs of buildings shall be constructed of high quality, durable and low maintenance materials. Highly reflective external materials should be avoided.
  2. Building materials, construction and finishes should be responsive to microclimate issues. Use of sunscreen devices as articulation elements should be employed to achieve climate responsive facades. Any development options which involve retention of existing buildings will require new buildings to be constructed with complimentary materials and colours.

6. Vehicular Access and Car Parking

  1. Satisfactory arrangements shall be made for parking accommodation and vehicular access and egress. Traffic impacts of development shall be taken into account. A traffic and parking impact assessment is required to be submitted in relation to any development and redevelopment proposals on site. Modifications to vehicular access and egress on the site will be required to be justified as part of this assessment to the satisfaction of the Territory and consistent with DCP Drawing 15/01.
  2. Adequate provision should be made where appropriate for visitors to sites. On street parking for visitors may be permissible along Soward Way and Rowland Rees Crescent.
  3. Car parking that is underground or under slope within the setback areas along Soward Way and Rowland Rees Crescent will only be permitted where it cannot be seen from the street and where it does not affect the planting of native trees consistent with the landscape provisions set out under Section 7 of this DCP.
  4. Car parking can be provided in basements or within a parking structure(s). Any parking structure shall be largely concealed from view from Athllon Drive.
  5. For any development of the site a long term parking strategy shall be provided for accommodating both displaced parking spaces on site and parking generated by development. The long term strategy is to be approved by the Commonwealth. This strategy shall be consistent with Section 6 of this DCP and DCP Drawing 15/01.
  6. Car parking for new office development in area 'A' of the site (as described by the DCP drawing 15/01) will be provided at a rate of 1 space per 100m2 GFA. This provision may be met by the construction of car spaces within the Rowland Rees Crescent road reserve adjacent to the site with the approval of the Territory.
  7. Parking across the entire site shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Commonwealth.
  8. Parking for land uses other than 'Offices' shall accord with Territory Plan requirements.

7. Landscape and streetscape design

  1. A high standard of landscape design is required for the site with particular attention given to the Landscape Zones and Pedestrian Spines on the Athllon Drive frontage. These areas should be maintained and enhanced with native trees and shrubs planted in the Landscape Zones shown on the DCP drawing. Pedestrian entrances to the site on this frontage shall be clear and legible.
  2. Site coverage of all development should be limited to enable the implementation of landscape zones, pedestrian spines and the establishment of deep rooted trees, as shown in DCP drawing 15/01.
  3. Any development proposal must include a landscape plan that provides for planting of native trees of advanced size in an informal composition to establish a unified landscape character for the entire site.
  4. The significant groups of vegetation within the Landscape Zones and within the setback areas are to be retained and integrated with any new plantings proposed as part of the development.
  5. Landscape and streetscape design should be of high quality and use a coordinated palette of pavement materials, street furniture and lighting.
  6. Pedestrian entries should be clearly visible from the public domain. If the site is to be redeveloped, the major pedestrian spine(s) as shown on DCP Drawing 15/01 should be incorporated into any new development on site.
  7. A landscape plan and tree condition assessment shall be submitted with any additional development or redevelopment proposal.

8. Environmental Considerations

  1. Adverse environmental impacts from on-site developments or on adjacent land shall be identified and redressed to the extent practicable.
  2. Environmental protection measures should be adopted as appropriate, to minimise possible adverse impacts of any new development or redevelopment on the physical environment, in terms of air quality, noise, waste water run-off, storm water runoff, dust, steam and smoke.

9. Water Sensitive Urban Design

  1. All development and redevelopment is to contain water sensitive urban design and energy efficiency measures to the standard of the ACT Government.
  2. All development and redevelopment shall comply with the ACT Government's Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines. Existing buildings, if retained, are encouraged to be adapted to conform to the guidelines.
  3. All development and redevelopment proposals shall contain storm water runoff measures to protect the water quality of the nearby Murrumbidgee River.

10. Signs

  1. Careful consideration should be given to the integration of signs within the building design and landscaping. All building or free standing signs proposed on site should be consistent with the relevant signs policies of the Territory Plan and the National Capital Plan.

11. Mechanical plant and electrical equipment, substations, storage and service areas

  1. All mechanical plant and equipment should be contained within buildings or located within services enclosures appropriately screened from all public areas.
  2. Visually exposed air conditioning units and plant that are visible from public areas shall not be permitted.
  3. Careful consideration should be given to the siting of any servicing substations or infrastructure. These must be carefully sited and screened from public view .

12. Lighting

  1. All outdoor lighting, including security and car park lighting shall be designed and sited to minimise light pollution. Outdoor lighting shall use full cut-off light fittings. Any up-lighting of buildings should be carefully designed to keep night time overspill and glare to a minimum.
  2. A full cut-off light fitting allows no light to be directed upward. No light dispersion or direct glare is allowed to shine at or above a 90 degree, horizontal plane from the base of the fixture. The lens/diffuser should not project beyond housing and minimal light should be emitted above 80 degrees as per Figure 1.

Image of Luminaire showing the angle and that the Lens/Diffuser is not to project beyond luminaire housing.

Figure 1 - Full Cut Off Light Fixture

13. DCP drawings

The above provisions should be read in conjunction with the DCP drawing, which forms part of this DCP.

Development Control Planning Drawing 15/01

Figure 2: Development Control Plan 15/01

Limited Consultation

The NCA has undertaken limited consultation in regard to DCP 15/01, incorporating the views of key stakeholders including the crown lessee, the Department of Finance and relevant Directorates of the ACT Government.

The ACT Government's Environment and Planning Directorate has also conducted extensive interagency and public consultation on the Tuggeranong Town Centre master plan and Draft Variation 318 to the Territory Plan. This DCP largely reflects the provisions of the Greenway precinct code. The DCP will guide the future development on the site, consistent with Commonwealth requirements, the Plan and the Territory Plan.

For further information, please contact Jordan Smith at the NCA on 02 6271 2888.