Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Section 96 Griffith
1. Preamble
Section 96 Griffith is adjacent to Canberra Avenue (Manuka Circle), which is a Main Avenue as defined in the National Capital Plan (the Plan). Special Requirements for Main Avenues under Section 2.3 of the Plan apply to the site that state;
“Development is to conform to Development Control Plans (agreed by the National Capital Authority) which seeks to secure the integrity of the Main Avenues as approaches to the Parliamentary Zone and ensure that the setting, buildings and purposes of the development enhance that function”.
The provisions of this Development Control Plan (DCP) apply to Blocks 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 Section 96 Griffith. In the absence of a provision in the Plan to the contrary, all development should accord with the relevant provisions of the Territory Plan. Where an inconsistency arises between the Territory Plan and the National Capital Plan, the National Capital Plan prevails.
The subject area is Territory Land outside the Designated Areas of the Plan and therefore ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) is responsible for assessing development applications relating to the subject area. In doing so, ACTPLA is required to ensure any proposal is not inconsistent with this DCP or the Plan.
The Canberra Avenue (Manuka Circle) road reservation forms part of the Designated Areas of the Plan and therefore the National Capital Authority (NCA) is responsible for granting works approval within the Canberra Avenue (Manuka Circle) road reservation.
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2. Planning and Urban Design Objectives
- Enhance the character of Canberra Avenue as one of Walter Burley Griffin’s main avenues and as one of the main approaches to Parliament House and the Parliamentary Zone.
- Maintain and reinforce the character of Canberra Avenue as a setting for prestigious buildings.
- Allow for buildings with an appropriate urban scale relationship to Canberra Avenue and the final approach to the Parliamentary Zone.
- Ensure a high level of amenity is provided in site layout and urban design and that noise impacts are mitigated through appropriate building design, materials and construction.
Architectural design and construction should exhibit design excellence in urban design, architecture and landscape, and demonstrate sustainable features using a palette of high quality and durable materials. - Encourage modulation, tactility, silhouette and human scale in relation to built form and streetscape design.
- Ensure all new buildings addressing Canberra Avenue have their main frontage to Canberra Avenue with a clearly articulated entry.
3. Building Height
3.1 Buildings and other permanent structures should be designed to a high architectural design standard and must ensure an overall consistency in form, massing and detail.
3.2 DCP Drawing No. 10/08 illustrates maximum permitted building heights across the site.
3.3 Development fronting Franklin Street will be sympathetic and in accordance with the existing streetscape. Built form shall minimise overshadowing of existing buildings where the maximum heights illustrated in DCP Drawing 10/08 are already exceeded by existing buildings, rebuilding up to the height of the existing building may be permitted.
3.4 Roof top plant shall be an integral part of the overall design and consistent with the requirements of Section 6 ‘Roofscape Design’ of this DCP.
3.5 Overlooking of adjoining properties must be mitigated through building and landscape design. The design of the upper building levels must incorporate measures to protect the amenity and privacy of adjacent development. This may include the use of blank walls, window sill heights greater than or equal to 1.7 metres from the floor, windows with permanently fixed panes of obscure glass or screened decks.
4. Building Setback and Articulation
4.1 Buildings or significant structures should be in accordance with the requirements set out in DCP Drawing No:10/08 and respect the Core Zone of Manuka with active ground floors and zero setbacks on Furneaux and Franklin Streets and Flinders Way.
4.2 Zero building setbacks to Canberra Avenue consistent with the existing Capital Cinema Building will be retained. Buildings shall have a maximum unarticulated length of 15 metres to the Canberra Avenue frontage. Articulation may be provided by:
- changes in wall planes of a minimum one (1) metre in depth and no less than four (4)metres in length; and/or
- inclusion of balconies; and/or
- horizontally stepping facades by at least one (1) metre in depth.
5. Walls Forward of the Building Line
5.1 No courtyard walls are permitted forward of the boundary line to Canberra Avenue.
6. Roofscape Design
6.1 Careful consideration is to be given to the roof form and roofscape of buildings as viewed from Canberra Avenue (Manuka Circle).
6.2 Roof top plant and equipment, if required, must be enclosed. The enclosure shall be carefully integrated with the roof form and design of the building. All such plant and equipment shall be totally concealed from view from Canberra Avenue (Manuka Circle).
7. Building Materials and Colours
7.1 The facades and roof of buildings shall be constructed of high quality and durable materials. Highly reflective external materials are not permitted.
7.2 Building materials, construction and finishes should be responsive to microclimate issues. Use of sunscreen devices as articulation elements should be employed to achieve climate responsive facades.
8. Landscape Design
8.1 The existing landscape character of Canberra Avenue and all other street frontages should be maintained, enhanced and integrated in response to approved landscape design. Building materials used should enhance the importance of Canberra Avenue (Manuka Circle) since the area for landscaping is minimal due to zero setback requirement from the Canberra Avenue verge. Any boundary that does include a building setback should incorporate a high quality landscaped design. All new development must include a landscape plan.
8.2 Site cover of new buildings should generally be consistent with the boundaries of each Crown Lease. Refer to Development Control Plan Drawing No:10/08.
9. Vehicular Access and Car Parking
9.1 Access point location(s) will be determined or agreed by the relevant approval authorities.
9.2 A traffic and parking assessment should accompany development proposals for the site, and this will be determined in consultation with the approving authority.
9.3 Car parking is to be provided as required under the Territory Plan (ACT Parking and Vehicular Access General Code).
9.4 Car parking is to be accommodated in basements and/or in above ground structures concealed from public view. Blank facades to public spaces or streets are not permitted. The ground floor of any structured car parks must have active frontages.
10. Signs
10.1 All signage to be integrated with building design and landscape and is to be of a high design quality.
10.2 Careful consideration should be given to the integration of signs with building design and landscaping. All building or free-standing signs proposed on site should be consistent with the relevant signs policies of the Territory Plan and the National Capital Plan. Should an inconsistency arise between the policies of the two plans, the National Capital Plan policies shall prevail.
11. Mechanical Plant and Equipment
11.1 All mechanical plant and equipment should be contained within buildings or located within service enclosures appropriately screened from Canberra Avenue and the other street frontages. External air conditioning units and plant shall not be visible from Canberra Avenue or any of the other streets.
12. Electrical Substation, Storage and Service Areas
12.1 Careful consideration should be given to the siting of electrical substation, storage and service areas (including storage sheds) if required as viewed from Canberra Avenue and other Streets. Such structures or areas must be carefully sited and totally screened from the view from Canberra Avenue and the other streets.
13. Sustainable Development
13.1 Development proposals will demonstrate a high level of performance in terms of environmental design where applicable including energy efficiency, climate management and water sensitive urban design.
14. DCP Drawings
14.1 The above provisions should be read in conjunction with the DCP Drawing No:10/08 which form part of this DCP.