1. Preamble
Block 3 Section 65 Campbell (the site) is National Land outside of Designated Areas of the National Capital Plan (the Plan). Special Requirements for Urban Areas under Section 4.5 of the Plan apply and state:
'It is in the interests of the National Capital that all National Land achieve a quality of development which reflects Canberra’s significance as the National Capital, and that proposals be assessed in relation to the provisions of both the Territory Plan and the National Capital Plan.
Development, including subdivision and leasing proposals, of all National Land not included in a Designated Area of this Plan, is to conform to Development Control Plans agreed by the Authority.
Development Control Plans are to reflect the relevant provisions of the Territory Plan, and meet the following requirements:
- Adverse environmental impacts from on-site developments, on adjacent land and development, shall be identified and redressed to the extent practicable.
- Adequate provision should be made where appropriate for visitors to sites.
- Functional relationships between uses within and external to the site shall be provided for.
- Consistency in the external design and site layout of buildings and landscaping shall be sought.
- Satisfactory arrangements shall be made for parking accommodation and vehicular access and egress. Traffic impacts of development shall be taken into account.'
Development proposals on National Land, including subdivision and proposals to lease National Land are required to be referred to the National Capital Authority (NCA). The NCA will assess proposals to ensure they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan and this Development Control Plan (DCP).
This DCP is based on planning and urban design investigations undertaken to determine the capability of the site for redevelopment. Indicative development arrangements are based on these investigations, however further detailed planning is required prior to redevelopment of the site. The requirements for future detailed planning are described in the DCP.
2. Site description
The site has a total area of approximately 2.72 hectares and is currently used as housing for Australian Defence Force employees. The site has a frontage of approximately 100 metres to Fairbairn Avenue and 130 metres to Truscott Street.
The site is elevated at its southern end with a fall towards Fairbairn Avenue of approximately 12 metres, and a cross-fall from Truscott Street to the eastern boundary of between 0-2 metres. The lowest point on the site is in the north east corner adjacent to the Fairbairn Avenue road reserve.
The site is currently occupied by 22 single and double-storey dwellings. The dwellings face a narrow sealed loop road wholly located within the site. There is a children’s play area in the middle of the site. The only vehicle access/egress is via a single cross-over from Truscott Street.
The western side of the site is used for public access as it forms an easy connection to the nature park to the south of the site. A high pressure water pipeline is also located along the western boundary of the site, while the eastern boundary is flanked by twin 132kV overhead sub-transmission power lines.
Immediate land uses adjacent to the site include roads, power lines and a number of residential dwellings that either face the estate (6 houses) across Truscott Street or have a common rear boundary (4 houses). Land to the south of the site is dedicated Canberra Nature Park.
Parts of the site have extended views outwards to Mt Ainslie and adjacent bush land, whilst some parts of the site have views to housing across Truscott Street.
The site is visible from a short section of Fairbairn Avenue in both directions, and from a short section of Truscott Street in both directions. It is also visible in part from six existing residential dwellings on the opposite side of Truscott St, and from a small part of the Canberra Nature Park to the south and east.
There are a number of native and exotic tree species on site which create an attractive landscape character.
3. Planning and urban design objectives
The site is to be redeveloped in single ownership to a quality appropriate to its location adjacent to an Approach Route. Specifically, development should:
- Make provision for Australian Defence Force personnel accommodation;
- Respect the natural features, character and scale of the landscape in the locality;
- Enhance the landscape character of Fairbairn Avenue as one of Walter Burley Griffin’s approach routes and as one of the main approaches to the Australian War Memorial.;
- Be carefully sited within a landscaped setting and screened from view of Fairbairn Avenue;
- Allow for flexibility in design to ensure integration with the surrounding urban context;
- Allow for buildings with an appropriate urban scale relationship to Fairbairn Avenue and adjacent suburban Campbell;
- Ensure a high level of amenity is provided in site layout and urban design and that noise impacts are mitigated through appropriate building design, materials and construction; and
- Maintain and reinforce, where possible, the existing landscape character of the site to achieve a high quality redevelopment within a natural setting.
4. Concept plan
4.1 DCP drawing 12/01 -1 illustrates a proposed concept plan for development of the site. Specifically, the concept plan shows the following:
- A detailed plan of dwelling layout and densities, that provides for appropriate dwelling orientation to achieve maximum solar access for the majority of dwellings;
- Building setbacks, building height and scale (up to a maximum of two storeys above natural ground level),
- Indicative development staging (if necessary);
- A general landscape plan that encourages the retention of existing trees of high quality and integration of these into the new landscape (where possible);
- A parking plan showing scope for all visitor and resident parking on-site;
- Requirements for fencing, including provision for fencing consistent with nature reserve and bushfire risk management;
- Provisions for continued public right-of-way along the western side of the site adjacent to Blocks 26, 27, 28 and 29 Section 59 Campbell; and
- Continued vehicular access/egress to Truscott Street.
5. Land use
5.1 The proposed land use on Block 3 Section 65 Campbell shall be for new residential accommodation, for the use of Australian Defence Force personnel.
5.2 Land use on Block 3 Section 65 Campbell shall be consistent with the land use of the National Capital Plan, and the land use of the Territory Plan.
6. Site layout, built form, setbacks and solar access
6.1 Site density shall be a maximum of 18 dwellings per hectare.
6.2 Individual blocks shall not be less than 260m2.
6.3 All dwellings shall be setback from the boundary of Block 3 Section 65 Campbell a minimum of four metres. Dwellings shall be setback the following minimum distances from individual internal block boundaries:
- Three metres to the front;
- Two metres to the side; and
- Four metres to the rear.
6.4 All dwellings shall be sited to allow a minimum of three hours of direct sunlight onto the floor or internal wall of the main daytime living area of the dwelling between the hours of 9.00am and 3.00pm on 21 June (winter solstice).
6.5 A minimum of 36m2 of private open space shall be provided per dwelling. This area of private open space is to be located to the rear of the dwelling.
6.6 A minimum of 120 m2 of open space per dwelling shall be provided in public open space areas.
7. Building materials and architectural quality
7.1 Buildings and other permanent structures should be designed to a high architectural design standard.
7.2 All building materials used on site shall comprise high quality durable materials consistent with the character of Campbell. Highly reflective external materials are not permitted
7.3 Building plant such as airconditioners must be contained within building form, or totally screened from view.
7.4 Building materials, construction and finishes are to be responsive to microclimate issues. A high level of environmentally sustainable design is encouraged.
8. Landscape treatment and fencing
8.1 A high standard of landscape design and verge treatment is required for the Truscott Street and Fairbairn Avenue frontages.
8.2 Mature vegetation should be retained to the maximum extent practicable and integrated into the landscape design. Where existing trees must be removed, this should be compensated for by planting elsewhere on the site. A tree report must accompany proposals for development and justification provided for the removal of medium or high quality trees.
8.3 All proposed fencing to external site boundaries shall be constructed of high quality materials and integrated with the overall landscape design of the site.
8.4 Landscape treatments on site must be sympathetic to the surrounding area. Native species of advanced stock should dominate new plantings.
8.5 Additional landscape planting will be provided along the Truscott Street and Fairbairn Avenue verges adjacent to the site to reinforce the landscape character of this entrance to Campbell.
8.6 Dwellings shall be setback a minimum of 20 metres to the Truscott Street site boundary, and 10 metres from the Fairbairn Avenue site boundary.
9. Access and parking
9.1 A single site access point to the site will be from Truscott Street. No access is permitted from Fairbairn Avenue.
9.2 Access to individual dwellings shall be from an internal, private loop road.
9.3 Internal roads shall have a minimum road reservation of six metres and a minimum road pavement width of 3.5 metres. Visitor parking and passing bays are permitted on internal roads.
9.4 Parking shall be provided in accordance with the ACT Parking and Vehicular Access General Code.
9.5 All private driveways and garages shall front internal roads. No access to individual blocks will be permitted from Truscott Street or Fairbairn Avenue.
9.6 A traffic and parking assessment shall accompany development proposals for the site.
9.7 Pedestrian right-of-way shall be maintained along the western boundary of the site, to allow direct pedestrian access from Truscott Street through to the Canberra Nature Reserve.
10. Environmental considerations
10.1 Any adverse environmental impacts from on-site developments or on adjacent land shall be identified and redressed to the extent practicable.
10.2 Environmental protection measures shall be adopted to minimise possible adverse impacts of any new development or redevelopment on the physical environment, in terms of air quality, noise, waste water run-off, storm water run-off, dust, steam and smoke.
11. Lighting
11.1 All outdoor lighting shall be designed and sited to minimise light pollution. Outdoor lighting shall use full cut-off light fittings.
12. Detailed design
12.1 Detailed plans prepared for the development on the site will be subject to public notification and consultation. Consultation will be undertaken in accordance with the NCA’s Commitment to Community Engagement.